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Vixi's Webpage

In the past hour:
Self Buffed Stats
Hit Points: 5177 - with Conviction, Armor of the Zealot self-buff
Armor Class: 1171 - with Conviction, Armor of the Zealot self-buff
Strength: 155 - unbuffed
Dexterity: 217 - unbuffed
Agility: 180 - unbuffed
Stamina: 230 - unbuffed
Intelligence: 262 - unbuffed
Wisdom: 370 - unbuffed mana pool 5203
Charisma: 159 - unbuffed
Trade Skills
Alchemy: N/A
Baking: 45
Brewing: 1
Fletching: 1
Jewelcraft: 0
Pottery: 148
Smithing: 23
Tailoring: 21
Tinkering: N/A
Alcohol Tolerance: 7
Misc. Information
Deity: Innoruuk - Dubious - Emerald Warriors (non-kos to most of Greater Faydark/Butcherblock), Scowl - Claws of Veeshan
Roleplay: yes - player made quests
Sex: female
Played: 96 days 2 hours 50 minutes
Head: Guardian Helmet - STR 14, DEX 14, STA 14, CHA 14, WIS 19, INT 14, AGI 14, HP 20, MANA 20, ENDR 20, PR 6, DR 6 (AUG Burnished Aquamarine STR 14, DEX 14, STA 14, CHA 14, WIS 14, INT 14, AGI 14)
Face: Tobrin's Mystical Eyepatch - Effect See Invisible - STR 12, DEX 12, STA 12, CHA 12, WIS 27, INT 27, AGI 12 (AUG Volcanic Moonstone STR 12, DEX 12, STA 12, CHA 12, WIS 12, INT 12, AGI 12)
Earring: Earring of the Solstice - MANA REGEN 1, STA 5, CHA 5, WIS 8, INT 8, HP 55, MANA 55, FR 5, CR 5, MR 5 (AUG Flawed Teal Crystal of Enticement CHA 5)
Earring 2: Earring of Opression - STR 9, DEX 10, STA 12, WIS 12, INT 12, HP 95, ENDR 95, FR 10, DR 10, CR 10, PR 10
Neck: Lucky Miner's Gorget - DEX 7, STA 7, WIS 7, INT 7, HP 45, MANA 40, ENDR 40, DR 5 CR 10, PR 5
Shoulders: Selevar's Shoulder Guard - MANA REGEN 3, STR 11, STA 12, CHA 11, WIS 12, HP 115, MANA 125, DR 11, CR 11, MR 10, PR 11 (AUG Greater Dream Delver's Stone - MANA REGEN 3)
Arms: Armguards of Repentance - STR 5, DEX 14, STA 22, CHA 5, WIS 15, INT 15, AGI 12, HP 95, MANA 90 ENDR 90, FR 14, DR 10, CR 14 (AUG Dull Stone of Sorrow STR 5, DEX 5, STA 5, CHA 5, WIS 5, INT 5, AGI 5)
Wrist: Flame Engraved Torque - WIS 10, INT 10, HP 35, MANA 35, MR 10
Wrist 2: Bracelet of Sense - WIS 15, FR 6, DR 6, CR 6, MR 6, DR 6
Hands: Iron Gauntlets of Ruin - DEX 11, STA 11, WIS 9 INT 9, AGI 9, HP 75, MANA 70, ENDR 70, FR 11, DR 12, CR 12
Finger: Infernal Ring of Regrowth - REGEN 4, DEX 11, CHA 12, WIS 12, INT 12, AGI 11, HP 100, MANA 105, FR 9, DR 9, CR 9, MR 9, PR 9
Finger 2: Soul-Imbued Ring - DEX 10, STA 10, CHA 10, WIS 10, INT 10, AGI 10, HP 125, MANA 125, DR 22, PR 17
Main Weapon:
Weapon 2/Shield:
Range Item:
Ammo Slot:
My Most Memorable EQ Moment

The whirlwind 2 days I did my old school cleric epic in 2003 on the Vallon Zek server. I was level 55, 1 level short of being able to cast the Reviviscence spell. I can remember fighting off some crazy PKrs in Chardok trying to get to Overking Bathezid. I was not even scheduled to get the singed scroll epic piece, but since I was the only main character online in my guild that night, an officer's cleric alt passed on the drop and awarded it to me. The next night the officers told me to go out to Skyfire and get ready for Zordak Ragefire because they wanted the epic finished. Around midnight I had swam out to Timorous Deep and came back to Plane of Knowledge equipped with the Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh. People were oooing and ahhhing at me because epics were hard to finish on the PvP servers due to the PvP aspect. I was proud.

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