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In the past hour:
Kaesora Revisited

In the south west corner of the Field of Bone, home to the Iksar Lizard Men, very close to Cabilis, situated among the crooked ruins, you find a dark passage; a passage which leads down, deep underground, into a damp, dimly lit dungeon, which never sees the light of day; where the undead roam freely, in forces of many, to guard their powerful leader, Xalgoz, from any intruders; this place, not frequented by the timid, or the untrained explorers, is called Kaesora!

Apart from a slow and tedious start, the Kaesora raid went very smoothly. There were no deaths, and we totally owned the joint.

Unfortunately, the leader of the raid overslept, (no names mentioned), and the raid was delayed till his lazy ass could be resurrected from the deep trance he fell into, after a late Friday night experience gathering session.

Once he arrived, the players gathered at the bridge in Firiona Vie, for a 2-zone jaunt to the Field of Bone, where lies Kaesora, the dreary dungeon of undead inhabitants.

Once we dropped down into the "pit of no return", we knew we would have to fight our way to the camp site, and the players were anxious and eager to kill. And kill we did...

Three groups of 5 players, ranging in levels from 35 to 53, worked in unison to destroy the inhabitants of Keasora, sometimes 4 at a time, until we reached the Library, home of the Coerced Librarian, who is known to drop some nice loot.

We camped the Librarian for a few hours, and walked away with a Spirit Tome and a Kunzar Mantle, which are both worthy items.

Once we killed every moving creature in, and around the library, we decided to move on to something more challenging. We headed straight to the "boss" of the dungeon, Xalgoz himself!

Following some crude maps, Zabooboo Navigator led the 15 players down to the Church, where Xalgoz spawns.

Before we knew what hit us, Zabooboo was cast upon by Xalgoz and was feared into a spin, taken completely out of the fight. The other 14 players swiftly attacked the "boss" with all they had to offer, taking him down in a matter of seconds. (I think Zabooboo stopped spinning shortly after the fight was over.)

Time to check the loot!

The dizzy, but still functioning Zabooboo, right clicked on the dead offender's corpse, producing a nice Blade of Xalgoz, (23/40, 3str, 3agi), and a Xalgozian Fang, (6/20, 3str, dex, agi, sta), also a component required for the Howling Stones Dungeon Key Quest. (Second half of the quest involves the Jade Chodakai Prod, from the Chancelor of the Sarnaks, in the Lake of Ill Omen.)

We decided to camp old Xalgoz one more time to get the 50+ players their HS Key, and to give the warrior/ranger/pally/sk players, a nice 2 handed slasher.

Exactly 28 minutes later, the red beast popped again, and we were ready! This time Zabooboo did not spin, and was right in there at the heart of the action, slashing and bashing, till Xalgoz lied still, dead on the floor.

He, once again, dropped a Blade and a Fang. While killing skeletons around the church, every 20 or so skeletons would drop a 25% weight reduction pack. I think everyone in the raid party received one of these, and there was much rejoicing!

OK, I'll say it... This was our best, most organized raid yet. Raiders listened, and followed directions to the tee, and much fun was had by all. I'm sorry that we were forced to start at a late hour, and some players were getting tired before everyone could obtain the loot that they desired, but we can always go back there in smaller groups, and still own the place!

Thanks to all who attended the Kaesora raid, and I look forward to hunting with you all again very soon. My sincere thanks to all of you who are starting to trust me now. I hope you know that I try my best to be a fair raid leader, and want to see all of you get loot and experience, but most of all, I want you to have fun! That's what it's really all about.

And guys, the teamwork was really excellent! Great job!

Zabooboo Navigator
Ranger of the 63rd Tree
Officer - SoD!

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